Saturday, June 21, 2014

So Many Stories

Have you ever gotten to the point where you're so hungry you aren't hungry anymore? Have you have gotten so tired you were awake? Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?

That is kind of what happened with today's blog post. I accumulated so many "I'm going to blog about this" moments today that I forgot a lot of them. The top three that I can remember I'm obviously going to write about but it just bothers me that I can't put my finger to all of them. Ugh, anyways...

Today started off fairly easy. I started waking myself up for work (without an alarm) at 6:30 because I was paranoid about being late. Finally got up at 10 to start getting ready and Amanda got me to the mall at 1130 where I ran around and picked things up for the skit that was supposed to start filming today but had to be pushed back to tomorrow. Work started and I was actually able to be the stage director for 30 minutes which was both nerve wracking and exciting so there's that. 

After work ended, I collected all of the stuff that I originally brought for the skit and headed out when I noticed that I *was not * given a receipt for one of my purchases. At my store, that isn't really an issue. We can look through all the transactions and reprint a receipt if it is absolutely necessary or you know IF WE DON'T ISSUE ONE. So I went back into Claire's to talk to them about this and the girl that helped me earlier was still there so I talked to her about it and she called another associate over to help me. Mary was her name and she was a twit. "Without a receipt we can only issue a store credit or an exchange because we don't know how or if you paid for the items so we're not just going to issue money to anyone" were the first words out of her mouth before even listening to what I had to say. Before even asking what the situation was. I'm literally wearing my uniform from next door. I know how it works. I went on to explain the her that, while I don't think it was on purpose or intentional on Casey's behalf, I did not receive a receipt for my purchases earlier (6-21-14, between 11:30 and 11:55 totaling $31.80) and that Casey and I had even discussed that I might need to return one of the items if I found another substitute. No receipt. None. Nowhere to be found. Not in the bag and not handed to me. How is it my fault that your employee didn't issue me a receipt at the time of purchase and therefore made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to return anything?! In short, it isn't. I don't want credit at your store. NO. I want to be able to get my money back for the useless things you issued me. Kanbghkdfkjsdbkvdkfjkadfbg. I came home and called customer service because even if I can't get a full refund, I can sure as hell have Mary coached in proper customer service.

Also at home, I babysat. Big feat right? Well, my little nugget of a nephew decided that after his dinner her was just going to sit right next to me for three hours. He grabbed his blanket and crawled up in the chair to sit between the crook of my legs after turning himself into a little blanket burrito. He's so cute.

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