Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Will Scream

This is the best possible picture I possess to encapsulate my day. It's not even that today was a bad day, I've just come to the point of screaming MANY times through these 14 hours I've been awake. 

I wanted today to be a really smooth day but of course the things that I want are always ignored it seems. Anyway! My plan for the day was to wake up on my own, get ready and then go to the mall to an event with my nephew. Did that happen? Basically. My sister woke me up (ugh, getting woken up is the worst feeling EVER), getting ready didn't go well because my eye makeup refused to do what I wanted it to (double ugh), we ended up going to a place I hate for food items and then we made it to the event. Yes, this is me complaining. If these were all individual occurrences that did not happen with in 2 hours of each other I wouldn't be making a big deal of anything. All morning all I wanted to do was scream. 

Work went really easy. Slow but easy. Until I jammed my finger between a rack and a shelf and all I wanted to do was scream explicatives. However, that is not an acceptable choice so Wizard Swears were the next available option. Two hours later, I won a doll. Cue more screaming.

Came home, dealt with some stuff about me maybe or maybe not going on vacation for the fourth like planned and then my friends called and FaceTime wouldn't work. Again, cue more screaming. And to tangent about something really quick?  It is not my fault that I don't know what the plans I am involved in but am not incharge of making are thank you very much! I thought I wasn't going and then I was informed I might be so I don't know. I do not know.  Knowing is not something I have the ability to do at the moment. AND telling someone you're going to do something and then not doing it isn't cool. *SCREAMMMMMMMMIINNNGGG*

The last two scream inducing events of the day were TrueBlood, which I literally squealed over for like 10 minutes for various reasons that I won't write about because SPOILERS, and this kid I know who has this uncanny ability to piss me off and make me laugh all at the same time. He kept telling me that he had the ability to tell me what I can and can not do. I know he's joking and just trying to get a rise out of me (at least he better be or I will march my happy butt to his house and things will go down (ITS GOING DOWN! I'M YELLING TIMBER!!)) but if there is one thing I cannot handle, it is another person attempting to control my life. No. Not allowed sir. You don't possess those powers. 

I wish there was a way to effectively write screaming.

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