Friday, June 6, 2014

My Day Off

Before anyone tells me I take my job too seriously, I already know. I like my job and I try to do my best with it. I definitely get burnt out though so whenever I get a day off I'm very happy happy about it.

Knowing I had the day off, I stayed up until 4 something last night in order to organize the Hunter Hayes videos and to fight with my phone over the amount of space it had to spare for music I inteded to wake up today and do some of the ab challenge stuff as well as all of my laundry. Sadly,  none of this happened. Ab challenge has not gotten off to a good start and I am actually about to do an emergency load of laundry after I finsih this post. Instead my day was filled with twitter, kid movies, and MORE APARTMENT HUNTING.

I cataloged 45 out of 95 apartments before I threw my hands up in the air and gave up. If I can't find an apartment that I'm happy with in the first 45 then I'm just not meant to be a knight. I'm jumping the gun on this by 7 months but I just like to be prepared. It seems like I am going to end up paying upwards of 500 minimum for an apartment in Orlando unless I find someone who wants to go off-off campus to a real apartment. My brain is fried.

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