Thursday, June 5, 2014

Little Too Excited

After yesterday's adventure, I came home and passed out. This morning I was woken up by my nephew asking for food and I felt so bad because I was grumpy and I was not ready to get out of bed so I told him to go play and then fell back asleep. In my defense, my sister did the EXACT SAME THING to me when I was 4 or 5. Meh.

When I finally joined the land of the conscious around 12:30/ 1 o'clock I still did not want to "great stone dragon" around my house but I did crank up the Hunter Hayes (post-concert depression is hard ya'll) and started looking for apartment near UCF's campus. I'm absolutely in love with the small amount of campus that I saw and I have been in love with their program since the second time I read about it. I just want to pursue my degree somewhere that I feel comfortable enough to excel and I feel like this is where I need to be. The proximity to Disney and Universal is just a plus and is legitimately not the reason I want to go there.

So far I have come up with 12 different apartment options and they are definitely not cheap. I dislike the not cheap factor. In Tally, I found cheap apartments by the dozen. Orlando is a whole different ballgame. I can't imagine what Ohio is like.

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