Friday, June 27, 2014

Tastes Like Kindergarten

As I left work today, my coworkers and I were discussing the marvelous invention that is Reese's Oreos. I discovered these last week thanks to Amanda and I will tell you that they are fantastic. Horrible for you but FANTASTIC. This quickly turned into a discussion regarding all of the fun types of Oreos and one of them made the statement that "fruit lunch Oreos taste like kindergarten. You know, when they used to give us cookies and juice instead of milk?" and I lost it. Best use of the English language I think I've heard in a while. 

Work was fun. I even had one guest tell me how much she enjoyed the little stories we came up with to tell our guests about what is happening in the store which is always nice to hear. Prior to going in to work though, two pretty good things happened. The first was that Claire's called back and I am getting my refund!!! Holla atcha girl!! I straight up called customer service, explained the situation and the sass with which the situation was dealt with and BOOM they found my transaction. How hard was that? Takes time but instead of telling me it isn't possible and treating me like a delinquent, Mary should have been a little more accommodating. BooYah.

The second thing that happened today was a haircut. I believe it was last week when Catherine and I went to get our hair trimmed. Unfortunately, my trim didn't really go over very well. Initially I thought that I could just tough it out until a month went by. I was wrong. On Wednesday I booked an appointment at Toni and Guy to see if they could fix my hair and they did. A really nice girl named Sally did my hair today and I had one of my manager tell me I had ROCKSTAR hair. Boom.

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