Monday, June 23, 2014

Slept Right Through

Yesterday was a VERY long day and when I finally got home I fell asleep in full on Snow White make-up.

You see, one of my co-workers had a health complication and wasn't able to come in for his shift so I was asked to cover for him. Of course I have no problem, even if the shift did start at 6am. Oh boy.  My manager was kind enough to volunteer to come get me which is greatly appreciated. That nicety aside, working at 6am meant getting up at 5am. I do not miss those days. At all. In any way.

5am rolled around and I managed to force myself awake after four hours of sleep. Got ready to build things at work and then waited to get there. Building went fine but the pm or was time to interact with other people for what was scheduled to be three more hours. Luckily, my manager was able to get me out by 1245 which was again, greatly appreciated. Something very fun did happen at work though! I was given the opportunity to be the stage director (again) for like 45 minutes which essentially means I was granted the ability to supervise but this time it was over more people. And we did a good job during my little turn! Woo!  I think it's nifty okay? 

Sunday also brought filming day for the skit for work!! After I got home, I drew and printed the necessary props and made the food for the skit. It was back to work at 630pm to start setting up at filming. Everything went really well and I think it turn out awesome! Snow-Iron approves this message! 

Afterwards, I came home and went upstairs to change out of my Snow White costume and makeup and hopefully watch True Blood. I didn't make it to 9:15 before I passed out. The blog crossed my mind but I was way too incoherent to even find the technology to write that I was exhausted. Which means I'm missing a date in my log. I'm okay with this. I can't do anything about it and that's okay. It's not like I chose to miss the day, an important bodily function took over. Not a crisis.

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