Monday, June 2, 2014

Making NEW Goals

So we have made it half way in to my little blogging experiment and now it is time for another set of goals. 

1. The Roll Over Goal- figure out what is and is not good for me and decide what is  actually worth keeping. Look on nutritional websites, talking to people like Catherine who I consider to be knowledgable about the subject and make better choices.

2. Stay active while I am at home.

3. Turn staying active while at home into losing 20 pounds and our going down two pant sizes.

4. Seek new adventures, do things that make me happy.

5. Take more pictures.

6. Learn how to cook 2.0

7. finish Grad school applications

8. Open a savings account and have 2000 dollars in it by December

9. Go through old clothes to donate and throw away.

10 Update wardrobe

11. Learn how to drive. 

12. Spend more time outside.

This list of goal combine with the other 14 that I previously made makes 26 goals to attempt throughout the year. Of course, I could still add more but I don't think I will. I was able to accomplish around 9 out of 14 in 6 months so the majority of these 12 should be easy. 

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