Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let It Go

"Let it go, Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, Let it go. Turn my back and slam the door." "Let It Go"-Frozen- 2013

They say you learn something new everyday. Well today I learned quite a few things. For one, I realized I need to not be so serious and  even though I'm fairly good at interpreting things in multiple ways I tend to go the serious route. For another, I have pretty bad impulse control and I need to work on this. Also, I was reminded today that I am not the universe's favorite person (I tried to be healthy and order a grilled chicken salad, chicken arrived undercooked, had to get fries and a shake instead), I am incapable of controlling my stutter, *and* I should probably revisit the idea of not letting people get to me. All of these things I am okay with. They are all part of what it is to be me right now, in this current place in time. Can they change? Of course but it will be on my terms and no one else's. Letting it go.

Aside from all of the things I learned about me today, I learned a couple things about people as well. People will have an affect on other people, positive or negative. That seems redundant and pointless to state but its true. Some people are going to disappoint you or stun you or surprise you or disgust you. It is going to happen more likely than not. It happened to me today. Someone who I thought was my friend and who I thought I meant something to surprised me with his or her shenanigans and kind of shattered the image of our friendship for me. But I'm okay with that. His or her life is not mine to monitor and his or her actions should not dictate how I run my life. I won't let it and I won't allow it. I am stronger than that because I want to be. 

Let it go.

Side note about people:
 Have you ever disagreed with someone or their choices so much that you ask your self "Why do I interact with you?" Have you ever just looked at someone and realized how odd it is to actually be friends with, be in a relationship with, or be related to them? Think about it. We choose to let person X,Y,and Z into our lives because of similar interests or views or because we share the same major in college. We choose to interact with them verbally, conTEXTually (see what I did there?), publicly and privately all because there is something about their individual weirdness that relates to ours. Even people we have nothing in common with, sometimes to the point of being complete opposites, we sometimes let into our lives. Then we complain about it whenever person X, Y, or Z does something that we as individuals don't agree with or that society deems socially inappropriate. Do we do anything about it most of the time? Not from what I've learned about people but I could be (read "probably am") wrong about that.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with any of this, quite frankly there isn't. Humans are social creatures and we need social groups in order to function. But when I sit back and I look at it as a whole, I'm just baffled, amused, and content with it all at the same time. Does anyone else have this happen to them or am I just off my rocker?  Probably. 

1 comment:

Catherine said...

We are indeed social creatures. I've encountered quite a few people who prefer time by themselves and feel stressed with too much going on but I can say from personal experience that, considering our society, we are not designed to be alone. We need human interaction and mental stimulation. This is why we latch onto commonalities with others-- because we don't want to be alone. We're all different but all connected and, although we may make ridiculous or society-condemning decisions I think we all want the same thing: happiness. There just comes a time when ways part and words linger.