Monday, June 30, 2014

Having No Life

...can be kind of entertaining but most of the time it is just boring. Particularly when you have to write about your life. Obviously, this blog is my choice. No one is forcing me to write this, I do this for me. I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads anything I write. Sure I see that I've had nearly 5,000 views since I started but of those 5,000 views, how many are people actually reading?

Moving on, I have no life. I work and I come home and sometimes I see some friends. This is routine. This is normal. This is average. This is boring, Is this the type of life we're all socially groomed to aspire to? Is this what we go to school, spend money, worry and cry about? Routine? I understand that I'm only 21 and I understand that my so called "life" is still on the cusp of really beginning.  But, to be honest with you, I never really had routine until I was 16 years old. That's five years of routine and a lack of spontaneity and I'm not so sure I agree with it. Is this what Belle meant when she said "I WANT SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS PROVINCIAL LIFE!" because I definitely want adventure in the great wide some where. 

"I want so much more than they've got planned."

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Will Scream

This is the best possible picture I possess to encapsulate my day. It's not even that today was a bad day, I've just come to the point of screaming MANY times through these 14 hours I've been awake. 

I wanted today to be a really smooth day but of course the things that I want are always ignored it seems. Anyway! My plan for the day was to wake up on my own, get ready and then go to the mall to an event with my nephew. Did that happen? Basically. My sister woke me up (ugh, getting woken up is the worst feeling EVER), getting ready didn't go well because my eye makeup refused to do what I wanted it to (double ugh), we ended up going to a place I hate for food items and then we made it to the event. Yes, this is me complaining. If these were all individual occurrences that did not happen with in 2 hours of each other I wouldn't be making a big deal of anything. All morning all I wanted to do was scream. 

Work went really easy. Slow but easy. Until I jammed my finger between a rack and a shelf and all I wanted to do was scream explicatives. However, that is not an acceptable choice so Wizard Swears were the next available option. Two hours later, I won a doll. Cue more screaming.

Came home, dealt with some stuff about me maybe or maybe not going on vacation for the fourth like planned and then my friends called and FaceTime wouldn't work. Again, cue more screaming. And to tangent about something really quick?  It is not my fault that I don't know what the plans I am involved in but am not incharge of making are thank you very much! I thought I wasn't going and then I was informed I might be so I don't know. I do not know.  Knowing is not something I have the ability to do at the moment. AND telling someone you're going to do something and then not doing it isn't cool. *SCREAMMMMMMMMIINNNGGG*

The last two scream inducing events of the day were TrueBlood, which I literally squealed over for like 10 minutes for various reasons that I won't write about because SPOILERS, and this kid I know who has this uncanny ability to piss me off and make me laugh all at the same time. He kept telling me that he had the ability to tell me what I can and can not do. I know he's joking and just trying to get a rise out of me (at least he better be or I will march my happy butt to his house and things will go down (ITS GOING DOWN! I'M YELLING TIMBER!!)) but if there is one thing I cannot handle, it is another person attempting to control my life. No. Not allowed sir. You don't possess those powers. 

I wish there was a way to effectively write screaming.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Figured It Out

Well, maybe.

I did some math and I found out that even if I put away half of my paycheck from now until December, I still won't have the number I want in the savings account. Next option? Add more money. How? Well, I could start selling my stuff or offering to babysit around the neighborhood. Or I can pick up another job. Of course, I won't actually apply until I talk to my current one but I did find a handful just walking out of work today. I'd still be at the mall so it would be pretty easy to do both. Decisions are hard. 

Another thing I think I have all figured out is a way to work on the photography challenge that I have given myself and the "doing things that make me happy" goal I made. I have SO MUCH MAKE UP and I like to do my makeup so for July I think I am going to try to do at least one makeup post a week. That would only end up being 4 posts for the month (minimum) and if I can handle that then we will go from there.

That's not all folks, absolutely not! I also want to start doing the really stupid hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. I try to do throwback Thursday whenever I remember it but I want to make a point of this for no other reason than I want to. It's something I want to do for the sake of doing.


Friday, June 27, 2014

Tastes Like Kindergarten

As I left work today, my coworkers and I were discussing the marvelous invention that is Reese's Oreos. I discovered these last week thanks to Amanda and I will tell you that they are fantastic. Horrible for you but FANTASTIC. This quickly turned into a discussion regarding all of the fun types of Oreos and one of them made the statement that "fruit lunch Oreos taste like kindergarten. You know, when they used to give us cookies and juice instead of milk?" and I lost it. Best use of the English language I think I've heard in a while. 

Work was fun. I even had one guest tell me how much she enjoyed the little stories we came up with to tell our guests about what is happening in the store which is always nice to hear. Prior to going in to work though, two pretty good things happened. The first was that Claire's called back and I am getting my refund!!! Holla atcha girl!! I straight up called customer service, explained the situation and the sass with which the situation was dealt with and BOOM they found my transaction. How hard was that? Takes time but instead of telling me it isn't possible and treating me like a delinquent, Mary should have been a little more accommodating. BooYah.

The second thing that happened today was a haircut. I believe it was last week when Catherine and I went to get our hair trimmed. Unfortunately, my trim didn't really go over very well. Initially I thought that I could just tough it out until a month went by. I was wrong. On Wednesday I booked an appointment at Toni and Guy to see if they could fix my hair and they did. A really nice girl named Sally did my hair today and I had one of my manager tell me I had ROCKSTAR hair. Boom.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day For Adventure

Which is what we did! Originally Ilana and I were going to hang out before she left for Spanish camp (I think that what it is?) but because she got her braces taken off today (YAYYYYY) we had to reschedule. I finally started feeling back to normal last night so I called up Alexis and we planned an impromptu visit to Busch Gardens! I am no in possession of an annual pass to both Busch Gardens and to Adventure Island so if you want to go, hit me up!

Today was really fun though.  I haven't been able to go and just goof around at Busch Gardens in a really long time so our little half day was really nifty. I went on the Skyride for the first time! That was a new experience and a good one at that! Fallon's Fury isn't open yet but believe me when I say, I will be one of the first people there the day that it does spread its wings. I might die but that's okay. 

Also, I used today to knock off a bunch of goals! Have adventures, go outside, take more pictures and being active were all accomplished today. Now I just have to keep finding ways to do that.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Check In Time


1. The Roll Over Goal- figure out what is and is not good for me and decide what is  actually worth keeping. Look on nutritional websites, talking to people like Catherine who I consider to be knowledgable about the subject and make better choices.
      There isn't an excuse that I would even begin to try to use for not having accomplished this AT ALL. I really don't understand why this is so difficult for me. I guess I will have to start leaving more reminders for my self. Ughhhhh.

2. Stay active while I am at home.
     Solo an challenge for June kind of failed. If I don't get a good start to things I tend to push them off to the side. And I miss learning/ practicing choreography. I really need to get the Wii and get Just Dance so I have no excuse. Ab challenge will be restarting in July. I have also started to look into getting back in to pole fitness. It is tons of fun but its eitehr pole fitness or the Wii.m

3. Turn staying active while at home into losing 20 pounds and/or going down two pant sizes.

4. Seek new adventures, do things that make me happy.
     This has included seeing friends, eating Reese's Oreos, and hopefully getting a Busch Gardens pass

5. Take more pictures.
      I'm thinking of doing a picture challenge on my Instagram or Twitter but ai'm honestly kind of scared to do it. I don't really like to take pictures of my self but I don't know what else to take pictures of. I've got five more days to decide. 

6. Learn how to cook 2.0
     I watched Amanda cook steak?

7. finish Grad school applications
     ... No comment

8. Open a savings account and have 2000 dollars in it by December
     This has been at the back of my mind. I honestly need to start researching the best interest rates and my plan is to start putting money in this account after the Fourth of July.

9. Go through old clothes to donate and throw away.
      I cleaned my room... Does that count

10 Update wardrobe
       Bought two new dresses. It is a start.

11. Learn how to drive. 
       Have a drivers manual and I'm reviewing it. Ford Fiesta is my inspiration.

12. Spend more time outside.
       I think for July I will start walking my dog. Yep. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Love Sleep

Really. It's fabulous. Starting this morning at 12:35am through today at 3:pm I was able to have a very nice visit with it. Now, I wasn't totally faithful to sleep.I originally did wake up at 10:30 because I was supposed to go have Suzy Tuesday with Catherine but upon waking up everything was a little off. I don't drink so I don't actually know what a hangover feels like but I imagine that what I felt like this morning comes pretty close. Dizziness, body aches, and a migraine were just wonderful friends to have over for a morning visit -__-

So I called Catherine and told her I couldn't come out to play today which made me sad. We were supposed to go do our nails so that her's were all pretty for her brother's wedding this weekend. Things happen though. Such is life. I know she will have a great time at the wedding and next week so when I see her in two Tuesdays. ALL THE STORIES.

Anyways, back to sleep. After I tried to feel better for like... 50 minutes I decided it was time to go back to visiting my good old friend sleep. Sleep must have appreciated this because I was granted with this really awesome dream where Hunter Hayes (DON'T ANY OF YOU JUDGE ME) and I were roommates and really good friends and hung out and went to school together and he would come kill bugs for me at 3 in the morning. It was awesome. And it was essentially my brain replacing my friend/roommate Brett Tyler with Hunter. Sorry Brett! Did I ever thank you for killing that bug?

The body aches did eventually go away around 4 which meant I had no excuse not to travel downstairs and watch last night's episode of Teen Wolf (I hate Malia.) and then work on uploading the video for work. It turned out really cute in my opinion. I hope we win!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Back To It

Now that we're back on track, I can tell you even more about how awful it is to wake up at 5am. HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS???

Yesterday was a challenge and waking up at 5 today was even worse. In theory, I could have slept until 6 but then breakfast would not have happened and I would not have been able to watch True Blood (WHICH BROKE MY HEART AND I AM NOT SURE I CAN CONTINUE WATCHING THE SEASON) but I could have slept. Decisions are hard. 

Anyway, I went in at 7 this morning to do things with T-shirts and it was really hard. I was sooooooo tired all day. When 2:30 finally rolled around all I wanted to do was nap. I called Alexis and her mom came to pick me up and then we went to her house. I finished the TB premiere from that morning and Alexis and I talked some before I totally fell into a nap. It was glorious. Thank you so much Alexis for letting m nap at your house And then feeding me delicious food. I had never had chicken parmesan before but they gave me some and it was really good!! Her and I are hoping to make it to Busch Gardens in the next week or so!

Slept Right Through

Yesterday was a VERY long day and when I finally got home I fell asleep in full on Snow White make-up.

You see, one of my co-workers had a health complication and wasn't able to come in for his shift so I was asked to cover for him. Of course I have no problem, even if the shift did start at 6am. Oh boy.  My manager was kind enough to volunteer to come get me which is greatly appreciated. That nicety aside, working at 6am meant getting up at 5am. I do not miss those days. At all. In any way.

5am rolled around and I managed to force myself awake after four hours of sleep. Got ready to build things at work and then waited to get there. Building went fine but the pm or was time to interact with other people for what was scheduled to be three more hours. Luckily, my manager was able to get me out by 1245 which was again, greatly appreciated. Something very fun did happen at work though! I was given the opportunity to be the stage director (again) for like 45 minutes which essentially means I was granted the ability to supervise but this time it was over more people. And we did a good job during my little turn! Woo!  I think it's nifty okay? 

Sunday also brought filming day for the skit for work!! After I got home, I drew and printed the necessary props and made the food for the skit. It was back to work at 630pm to start setting up at filming. Everything went really well and I think it turn out awesome! Snow-Iron approves this message! 

Afterwards, I came home and went upstairs to change out of my Snow White costume and makeup and hopefully watch True Blood. I didn't make it to 9:15 before I passed out. The blog crossed my mind but I was way too incoherent to even find the technology to write that I was exhausted. Which means I'm missing a date in my log. I'm okay with this. I can't do anything about it and that's okay. It's not like I chose to miss the day, an important bodily function took over. Not a crisis.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

So Many Stories

Have you ever gotten to the point where you're so hungry you aren't hungry anymore? Have you have gotten so tired you were awake? Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?

That is kind of what happened with today's blog post. I accumulated so many "I'm going to blog about this" moments today that I forgot a lot of them. The top three that I can remember I'm obviously going to write about but it just bothers me that I can't put my finger to all of them. Ugh, anyways...

Today started off fairly easy. I started waking myself up for work (without an alarm) at 6:30 because I was paranoid about being late. Finally got up at 10 to start getting ready and Amanda got me to the mall at 1130 where I ran around and picked things up for the skit that was supposed to start filming today but had to be pushed back to tomorrow. Work started and I was actually able to be the stage director for 30 minutes which was both nerve wracking and exciting so there's that. 

After work ended, I collected all of the stuff that I originally brought for the skit and headed out when I noticed that I *was not * given a receipt for one of my purchases. At my store, that isn't really an issue. We can look through all the transactions and reprint a receipt if it is absolutely necessary or you know IF WE DON'T ISSUE ONE. So I went back into Claire's to talk to them about this and the girl that helped me earlier was still there so I talked to her about it and she called another associate over to help me. Mary was her name and she was a twit. "Without a receipt we can only issue a store credit or an exchange because we don't know how or if you paid for the items so we're not just going to issue money to anyone" were the first words out of her mouth before even listening to what I had to say. Before even asking what the situation was. I'm literally wearing my uniform from next door. I know how it works. I went on to explain the her that, while I don't think it was on purpose or intentional on Casey's behalf, I did not receive a receipt for my purchases earlier (6-21-14, between 11:30 and 11:55 totaling $31.80) and that Casey and I had even discussed that I might need to return one of the items if I found another substitute. No receipt. None. Nowhere to be found. Not in the bag and not handed to me. How is it my fault that your employee didn't issue me a receipt at the time of purchase and therefore made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to return anything?! In short, it isn't. I don't want credit at your store. NO. I want to be able to get my money back for the useless things you issued me. Kanbghkdfkjsdbkvdkfjkadfbg. I came home and called customer service because even if I can't get a full refund, I can sure as hell have Mary coached in proper customer service.

Also at home, I babysat. Big feat right? Well, my little nugget of a nephew decided that after his dinner her was just going to sit right next to me for three hours. He grabbed his blanket and crawled up in the chair to sit between the crook of my legs after turning himself into a little blanket burrito. He's so cute.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Festivities on Friday

Fridays are also for friends. I was able to see both Ilana and Amanda today and the sad part is that I actually forgot about it at one point and went to make plans with Alexis and then I remembered and I fail at life. Anyways, I got to go to the mall with Ilana and we went to see "22 Jump Street" which was definitely entertaining. Then we wondered around, bought some accessories, and eventually found our way to Charlotte Russe where we both purchased outfits. Loved seeing her today and can't wait to see her again before she leaves!!

Next up on the list was going to Amanda's house which is always chalk full of giggles and yelling. First we had to go to Walmart to find dinner and supplies for the work skit tomorrow. WE SPENT TWO HOURS LOOKING FOR AN IRON MAN MASK AND WE NEVER FOUND ONE AND IM JUST SO MAD.
Anyway, we finally found something that could work and then we came home and watched season 4 of "True Blood" and made dinner. I cooked the biscuits and the green beans. She cooked the rest.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Working Godiva Chipotle

Not that anyone cares about that video but it has a really good description of why this blog is important  to me. Hunter talked about why he choose the title "Storyline" and I feel like its relevant.

Anyway, today I worked. And had Chipotle. And bought Godiva. Yep.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Can't even start

Too tired 

UPDATED 6/19/2014

So, I had to go to work at 8am which meant waking up at 630am. That equaled for a very unhappy Kaitlin-san. Regardless, I got up and straightened my hair before pulling on some clothing items and calling a cab for work. Then I went downstairs and shoved some sort of food item in my mouth before getting into the cab. 

At first glance, one would assume that the cab driver was a grumpy old man who didn't really care for his job or the people who got in his car. At least that is what I did. And I was wrong. I don't know his name but I do know that he was as friendly as anyone could be expected to be at 730 in the morning. We talked about Disney and shared some trivia and just like that the ride was over. 

I try my hardest not to judge people at first glance. But sometimes I slip. I know it's not the end of the world and I love being surprised by people with their actions and thoughts.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's Suzy Tuesday

Aka Catherine day! She informed me today that she and Alex had come up with that name for her and I's "girl's day out" and I think it's great. Originally the plan for today was to wakeup at a decent time and clean my room. It has gotten to a point where I'm getting stressed out so its definitely time to take action. 

Alas, this didn't happen. I ove slept until 1pm and then I watched the munchkins for awhile in addition to watching an episode of Teen Wolf. This was followed by going with Catherine for a haircut and then tacos!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

I Love Makeup

ITS HEREEEEE!!! I discovered this palette years ago but I never thought that I would ever use it. Well, it is safe to say that I am a make up junkie and I really want to start doing more dramatic (if that's possible) looks . Sadly, all of the make up I have is either shitty, discontinued, OR REALLY REALLY EXPENSIVE so playing with it is something I tend not to do. Not anymore!! This palette was on sale for 10 dollars when its regularly 18 (still hella cheap) so I bought it as well as some more shadow brushes. I love eye makeup. I can't tell you why but I do and I'm not even that good at it. Some days my hands attempt to makeup on my face and I lookalike the creature from the black lagoon. Other days I look like a supermodel if supermodels were allowed to have round cheeks. 

Today 88 (87 if you don't count the broken one) ASTONISHING eye shadows entered my life and I cannot wait to see what all I can create with them!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I hope everyone had a good day regardless of if you celebrated. I went to brunch with my family and it was nice. Worst biscuits and gravy ever but it was definitely nice. 

For those of you who don't know my story, let me give you a little insight. That is not my father. He's one of the closest things that I have to a father but he's technically my sister's. That is also not my mother. But, they both did their fair share in raising me so they're parents none the less. Some of my best memories are with these two and I'm lucky to count them as one of my sets of "pseudo" parents if you will. They've always been very proud and supportive of my accomplishments and decisions and they are the type of people who will wish me nothing but good things in all I do. Positivity is appreciated.  Love you guys. Happy Father's Day Dad.

I never used to celebrate Father's day. All it was in my house for a long time was a anther day in June except not as big of a deal as that day in May for the other parent. You see,  I was raised for the first 9 years of my life by a single mother in her 40's who (from what I've been told) essentially asked a family friend and neighbor if he would be willing to have a child with her. So normal right? Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that isn't the way it went down. But that's the way I've condensed it down after gathering information from multiple sources. Anyways, I've met my father and his three boys. They were my neighbors growing up. Did I know that? Not until much later. When my father found out that I knew who he was and what happened and why he was never in my life all he did was cry. I was sitting in the backseat of my sister's Jeep at my uncle's (his brother's) wedding and all he did was cry and then proceed to tell me some weird story about blowing up a science room in some middle school.

And then he signed me away. My mom was sick and my sister needed power of attorney over her to make decisions for me but she also needed my father to sign away his biological rights. And he did . No real questions asked, just said okay. 

There was a time when I wished no one had ever told me about my father. There was also a time I wished that he would let me get to know him. I learned that some people just aren't worth the effort and that is okay. Moving on, no questions asked, I'd rather be free. Free to experience the other male role models. One of my best friends' dad has also been a great father figure. Hope today was awesome Mike!

My sister's husband has also done great things for me and while we do act more like brother and sister, he had a hand in raising me as well. I Know he had a good day, I live with him. 

To all the dads and sons and daughters who may be completely normal or may be in a situation like mine, Happy Father's Day. Remember to enjoy your family everyday.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

All the Compliments

I sing. Sometimes not very well but I sing. My sister pursued a singing career and she could have made it but she had to come home to help take care of my mother. She would give me pointers when I was really little but I was shy and I didn't like to sing in front of people. As I got older, the pointers would turn to random little compliments or critiques as I was singing around the house or in the car. One day they just stopped and then the only time she would say anything was when I asked for feedback. Now, she's back to openly adding her opinion. I get more critiques than anything else in my opinion but I'm probably just only noticing the negative parts.

I tell you this story because I get compliments on my voice ALL THE TIME at work. I constantly have guests asking me if I'm trained musically or if I'm a singer. Today was one of those days. I had 8 people tell me something positive about my voice. When I tell them I don't think I'm very good or that I've been told I'm not by good they straight up laugh or shake their heads and tell me I'm wrong. 


Friday, June 13, 2014

Leading the Way

"We're following the leader, the leader, the leader! We're following the leader, wherever he may go" -Following the Leader- Peter Pan

Except that he is a she in my case. I am leading my store's skit for this little challenge we have been offered. While today was my day off, I ended up going in to work and I came up with some more ideas for the the video. I'm really excited to get to work on it and I hope that my co-workers are ready to sit and look hilarious!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Waste Of Time

And it gets me in trouble but I really don't care. I've been on Vine for... 8 months? Lets say 8 months. Prior to today I have NEVER actually spent a significant amount of time attempting to make a vine. I've only ever tried to make one twice before and I only took one take before deciding "ehhh no" and moving on. I have over 600 videos favorite and revived combined but no posts. Well, I've recently followed a TON of singers on vine. This makes me want to do cliché singing vines but in order to do that I have to A be confident in my singing ability, B find a song, C find a spot in my house that doesn't echo like crazy, and D sing the song five billion times until I find a good 6 seconds. 

I just did this for an hour. AN HOUR. I have one good video that I'm KIND OF happy with but I still haven't posted it. I finally had to stop because my sister yelled at me. I'm not even singing that loud, she's just got super sonic hearing 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Days Go By

"I can feel 'em flying like a hand out the window in the wind as the cars go by. It's all we've been given so you better start livin' right now 'cause days go by" Days Go By- Keith Urban

They says time goes faster when you're having fun. I disagree. I think time goes faster when you're consistently busy. It doesn't feel like I have been back at work for a month. It doesn't feel like I've been back at home for a month either. Obviously I have and while I've been home I have been fairly busy. Not as busy as my sister with hr two kids or as busy as my manager who work full time but busy none the less. 

Busy is a good feeling but it can definitely be exhausting (especially when that exhaustion sneaks up on you) which makes things less exciting. I get burnout on being consistently busy because I get so tired and then I have to take a few days to do nothing. Blah. 

Six hours of today as spent at work and then I came home and I have been binge watching all the seasons of "Teen Wolf" that I just bought because the new season starts soon. Even in doing nothing for four hours I have some how blown through four hours, what. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday's For Friends

Like Catherine! We went thrifting and then we finally got to see  Maleficent which she has been dying to see since before it came out. I admit that I had my doubts about the movie but it wasn't bad! I really don't ca for Angelina Jolie but Inliked her performance. the twists were very predictable but it was an interesting take on the classic story. Wrong, but interesting. 

We finished the day withtshakes from Sonic (ERMAGERDSERMERSHAKES!!) and the next movie to watch is Epic.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Seeing My Sisters

You can tell how good of friends you are if you can fail to see each other for extended periods of time and have the day feel like no time has passed. Today I was able to experience that when I got a text message from Kayla and her Little Shayna about how they were in town and wanted to know if I was free. My immediate response was: "OF COURSE I'M FREE SAVE ME FROM MY BOREDOM I MISS YOUUUU FRIIIEENNDDSSSS" however, my typed response was "YES! I just got out of work."

I love these girls, I really do. Kayla and I have been through some crazy adventures and Shayna is just a bubble of awesome that you cannot help but love. They are amazing people to have in your life and I am so privileged to call them my sisters and to have been able to spend a few ours with them today.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Setting The Stage

Spent 8 hours rebuilding the sales floor at work. Everything hurts.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

No Title Found

I don't have a title because I don't really have a post. Today kind of occurred in a blur. 

I woke up late and hastily ran some gel through my hair before jumping into the car. Work was fun as always. We did TONS of celebrations and it was a good day. Afterwards, I came home and babysat. Woo.

Friday, June 6, 2014

My Day Off

Before anyone tells me I take my job too seriously, I already know. I like my job and I try to do my best with it. I definitely get burnt out though so whenever I get a day off I'm very happy happy about it.

Knowing I had the day off, I stayed up until 4 something last night in order to organize the Hunter Hayes videos and to fight with my phone over the amount of space it had to spare for music I inteded to wake up today and do some of the ab challenge stuff as well as all of my laundry. Sadly,  none of this happened. Ab challenge has not gotten off to a good start and I am actually about to do an emergency load of laundry after I finsih this post. Instead my day was filled with twitter, kid movies, and MORE APARTMENT HUNTING.

I cataloged 45 out of 95 apartments before I threw my hands up in the air and gave up. If I can't find an apartment that I'm happy with in the first 45 then I'm just not meant to be a knight. I'm jumping the gun on this by 7 months but I just like to be prepared. It seems like I am going to end up paying upwards of 500 minimum for an apartment in Orlando unless I find someone who wants to go off-off campus to a real apartment. My brain is fried.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Little Too Excited

After yesterday's adventure, I came home and passed out. This morning I was woken up by my nephew asking for food and I felt so bad because I was grumpy and I was not ready to get out of bed so I told him to go play and then fell back asleep. In my defense, my sister did the EXACT SAME THING to me when I was 4 or 5. Meh.

When I finally joined the land of the conscious around 12:30/ 1 o'clock I still did not want to "great stone dragon" around my house but I did crank up the Hunter Hayes (post-concert depression is hard ya'll) and started looking for apartment near UCF's campus. I'm absolutely in love with the small amount of campus that I saw and I have been in love with their program since the second time I read about it. I just want to pursue my degree somewhere that I feel comfortable enough to excel and I feel like this is where I need to be. The proximity to Disney and Universal is just a plus and is legitimately not the reason I want to go there.

So far I have come up with 12 different apartment options and they are definitely not cheap. I dislike the not cheap factor. In Tally, I found cheap apartments by the dozen. Orlando is a whole different ballgame. I can't imagine what Ohio is like.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Road Trip Time!!

Today started at 7am and ended about 30 minutes ago.

You see, today was grad school information session day at UCF and I was lucky enough to have wonderful, amazing Catherine agree to take me a the way out there and back! I was also lucky enough to have an amazing leadership team at the store to work with who got  me out of work early so that I could go! Thank you so much!!

The meeting was very helpful and it will give me a leg up in the interview process if I make it that far. It also gave the opportunity to see the campus and learn about staff.

I also got to see my wonderful Biggles today as well!! Catherine, Alex, and I were able to join her for a yummy dinner and four hours of giggles.

Telling A Story

My job had a very special visit from the Vice President! I was able to briefly meet him and because of all the magic I was spreading around the store I earned a signed trivia card! 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Making NEW Goals

So we have made it half way in to my little blogging experiment and now it is time for another set of goals. 

1. The Roll Over Goal- figure out what is and is not good for me and decide what is  actually worth keeping. Look on nutritional websites, talking to people like Catherine who I consider to be knowledgable about the subject and make better choices.

2. Stay active while I am at home.

3. Turn staying active while at home into losing 20 pounds and our going down two pant sizes.

4. Seek new adventures, do things that make me happy.

5. Take more pictures.

6. Learn how to cook 2.0

7. finish Grad school applications

8. Open a savings account and have 2000 dollars in it by December

9. Go through old clothes to donate and throw away.

10 Update wardrobe

11. Learn how to drive. 

12. Spend more time outside.

This list of goal combine with the other 14 that I previously made makes 26 goals to attempt throughout the year. Of course, I could still add more but I don't think I will. I was able to accomplish around 9 out of 14 in 6 months so the majority of these 12 should be easy. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Six Months In

Really? Half a year? What?

I'm really not sure how all of this happened so quickly. it doesn't feel like I have been blogging for that long but apparetly I have. Who knew?

I meant to post a goals update before the Hunter Hayes concert but pre-concert nerves took over. So I guess goals is for today. 

1. Stop drinking soda.
      DONE. Soda is even gross now. 
2. Visit with the nutritionist on campus to start eating better.
      I never did this. This goal was not accomplished by May so it gets to roll over to the next half of the year.
3. Make time to go to the gym, I want to feel better about my self. 
      I started this. I did. And then my schedule got crazy busy and I barely had time to sleep and study. I will say though that I count the 40+ hours Brandi and I spent practicing our dance as gym time.  I am continuing this by doing the ab challenge through out June starting tomorrow!

4. Put effort into my appearance 3/4 days out of the week.
     Once my internship started this increased but it still wasn't to 3 or 4 days out of the week. Now that I am at work its mostly everyday.

     DONE. Except my planner is my phone

6. Stay positive.
     Now that I am passed finals the positivity has returned. THings are GOING to go the way I SAY.
7. Take the GRE.
   Took it. Got more than what I needed.

8. Drink more water.
    It's literally all I drink
9. Make straight A's my final semester.
   I made all A-'s... Does that count?
10. Be happy with myself and the choices I make
     I've come to learn that this isn't possible at all times. Some times you just have to make the mistake.
11.Look into internships.
12.Learn how to cook.
13.Work on my relationships.
    Kind of?
14. Make better choices with my finances.