Sunday, August 31, 2014

Starting New Things

Now that I'm allowed to tell everyone, I'm a temp lead at work for the holiday season!! I was allowed to be the Stage Director for two hours today and while it was definitely stressful, I feel like I did an okay job! There is still so much to learn and be comfortable doing but I can definitely do it!

In grad school news, I am now having to accept the fact that I may have to put off attending school in spring. One of my recommenders left the university without ever submitting her letter of recommendation and now I have no way to contact her. The worst part is I found out about this only 18 days before applications are due because I had to wait until the school year started in order to be able to call her office. My next steps have been scrambling to find more recommenders before the September 15th deadline. In my search to do that I have also found out about opportunities I have if I enroll in grad school for the fall. These include a larger intake of students, a chance of receiving funds that are not loans, and it gives me more time to look at other schools. The more I go over all of this the more the fall option seems to stand out but what if I am wrong? What if my only option is this spring admission and if I don't take it, what do I do?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's Game Day

But that doesn't matter for me because if I were to actually watch the Seminoles play then we would lose. REALLY BADLY. I checked the score and the other team scored. Time to turn back to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

In none football related news, I HAVE ALL OF THE THINGS NECESSARY FOR MY PERMIT IN TWO WEEKS! My birth certificate is here, I completed the DATA course, I am reviewing the road rules and signs, and my proof of residency stuff will be finished by then. Next up on the list of things to do is actually stick to some sort of diet. And find a Halloween costume.

Friday, August 29, 2014

I'm Not Sure

I don't actually know what happened. I remember waking up early. I remember changing my DMV appointment to September  10th because I finally have off of work. I also remember going to Alexis' house. Other than that, the day has escaped me.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pumpkin Obsession Arriving

Triple-Chocolate Pumpkin Pie


Anyway, the pumpkin craze has begun and I am going to play into the stereotypical 'white girl' pumpkin obsession this year. I shared Buzzfeed's 101 ways to use pumpkin or something like that and I have managed to got through it and decided that I am going to make 9 of the 101 recipes. Woo!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

All In Threes

New blanket! New hair! New nail polish (kinda)!

Today was filled with new and exciting things so now I just get sit back an enjoy them right? Well kinda. I also started my first of three 9-2:30pm shifts so after I finish this I am going straight to bed. Getting up at 7:30 is a new experience for me okay?

The first new thing that I got today was a hair cut. My hair was to this point where it was fluffy everywhere and I needed that to stop. Did the new lady I found do it right? Mostly. I haven't left a salon 100% happy with my hair since the first time it was cut this way. She did a decent job but I keep wanting it shorter and no one seems to be able to understand that. OH WELL. We'll try again next time.

I also found out today that the Hunter Hayes tickets went on presale for non AMEX card holders but Coffee House experience was already sold out. The next VIP option is 145 dollars for a floor seat and early admission. Or I could pay 60 for floor and fight. The struggle is so real. The day was saved though by my Hunter Hayes blanket showing up!

To finish the day I pained my nails a color called Emerald City from Julep's Wizard of Oz collection. It looks like a creamy mint color in the bottle but on its like teal green.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Late For Work

If there is one thing I absolutely dislike it is being late for things. Except for school. To be fair, it was never instilled in me as a child to want to be on time or to want to attend school. Learning was easy for me and my mother didn't particularly like being awake at 7 am so I was usually late.

BUT ANYTHING ELSE and I dislike being late for it. As soon as I even think that I am going to be late I hear Kingdom Hearts battle music and I start to panic. I couldn't begin to explain why, that is just what happens. And it is what happened to day when I ended up being 20 minutes late to work :(

Things I was also late to include knowing it was my brother in law's birthday and knowing the tickets for Hunter's Jacksonville tour date went on presale today.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Till It's Gone

I never quite realized how much time I spent on the internet or playing iPad games until the last few days. I left my iPad at Catherine's house and I can honestly say it has been an eye-opening experience for me. Am I mildly worried about my Sim's game? Yes. I have quite a few elder Sim's who could pass away before I get them back. But, there is nothing I can do about that right now. Catherine was going to bring it to me today but she left it at home. And that might actually be a good thing. You see, now that my iPad is inaccessible I have rediscovered my computer and what it means to not constantly be connected to the outside world. I've been less distracted, I've gone swimming, I went to bed at a decent hour. Now if I can only focus on learning the rest of the road signs and rules I will be all set for my permit test!

Speaking of things that are normally gone, I GOT TO SEE ILANA TODAYYYY! The poor baby had surgery on her jaw so we could only get ice cream but I got to see her none the less! I miss my frand :( I will hopefully get to see her again in September but if I don't it will be December for sure! I know she is going to have a great fall semester of her SENIOR YEAR at NYU. I cannot wait to see where this girl goes

Sunday, August 24, 2014

"It's a Metaphor"

Minus some setback in the earlier part of the day (I WILL HANG OUT WITH ALEXIS THIS WEEK I SWEAR TO GOD) the rest of the day went fairly okay. I was able to create a pretty awesome makeup look that would have been perfect for USF Football games had I accepted that as my college and not FSU. I also put on blush! I NEVER PUT ON BLUSH!

Why did I end up getting all dolled up? There was a group of us from work who were going to go see Guardians of the Galaxy and grab food items. Due to time constraints and rain only two of us showed up but we had a lovely time. We learned some innovative ways to play BINGO and I now know that the original Hairspray movie was terrible and had some interesting writing.

Then it was Guardians time but we had a little time before the movie started so we tested out this thing called a DBOX which is essentially where the seat moves with the screen. We were crying from laughing so hard. Very odd experience. Anyway the movie came on and I won't lie, I was a little nervous. I love the Avengers to the moon so trying to accept another group of superheroes has proven to be a little difficult for me.GUARDIANS IS SO FUNNY THOUGH! And Groot is just the most precious little thing ever! I'm not a Chris Pratt person but he didn't annoy me so good on him. I was way more focus on Batista playing a the uber literal Drax the Destroyer though. One of my favorite lines is depicted in the picture above. The gang mentioned that a metaphor went over his head and... we you get the picture. Over all it was a good movie and I am glad I went to see it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Good Eyeliner Day

Top liner can be a little intimidating for most people when it comes to line thickness, straightness, and matching. Times that by like... 1500 and you get what it is like when you're blind in one eye. I used to not be able to do it at all and I had to just use bottom eyeliner. Liquid liner (only Kat Von D Tattoo liner though) changed  all of that and now it is the only kind that I do. I still struggle with it though. Getting the flick just right, making the lines the same shape and thickness. I don't understand how makeup artists can do this.

Today in general was a good make up day but today's eyeliner was on point minus a little dot on my right lid. I had three co-workers compliment me on today's makeup look and I love when that happens. It doesn't *have* to happen though. I do make up for me and when I do my makeup I tend to walk out of the house feeling pretty fabulous. If only I could transfer that ability to everything that I do.

Side note: Birth Certificate has arrived and now all that is left is to reschedule (once again) and continue learning the material!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Of Some Importance

Let me just start by saying I do not consider my self to be a conservationist or an environmentalist. I do not identify with what my sister (who grew up in the 80's) calls a "granola" or a "crunchie," but there are some things that I think should be taken in to account by all humans. Will they? Of course not but I can do my best and that is all I can do.

For one thing, if you're going to waste water then waste it wisely. Even water parks waste water wisely by recycling it and putting it through a filtration process. Don't leave the faucet running when you're brushing your teeth or washing your face. You're one of those people who thinks everyone cares when your car is dirty and want to wash your car? Collect the water from your shower or from a days worth of washing your hands and use that! You could also use this for flushing your toilet. That how I had to flush mine for years because our toilet was broken, trust me it works.  If you must, ONLY water your lawn on your designated day and only if it needs it to keep living. I don't understand this country's obsession with lush green lawns if you don't use them for activities.

I bring this whole up because of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Yes I participated but I participated as wisely as possible. I also chose a cause I actually care about and that I am involved with instead of just being pressured into donating to a cause I know nothing about. I have a few grievances about this challenge as a whole but one of the big ones was the water that was being wasted. If 50 million dollars worth of donations has come in since who ever "started" (ripped the challenge off of Matt Lauer) the damn thing, imagine how many millions of gallons of water have been wasted by people who just fill it up from the sink and stand on their patio. If you're going to dump a bucket of water on your head, why not have it be water that you're going to use during your shower? Just wet yourself first using that bucket and then take your warm shower right after. You don't even have to go outside for that one Or water from your pool that you pour on your head whilst standing IN YOUR POOL? Add some ice and its cold. Woo. Or go to the beach, a lake, a river. Empty the cups of water that you fill up before you go to bed because you think you'll drink them in the middle of the night. AT LEAST stand in a section of your yard where the water that is inevitably going to hit the ground hits a part of the ground that BENEFITS from the water.

There are really simple ways of helping extend the water supply AND IT SAVES YOU MONEY. I bet if water droplets were shaped like dollar signs there would be an excess of drinking water.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hobbits Three Times

I am so bummed that I didn't take any pictures today! Oh well.

Anyway, today started early and dramatically. I was up at 6:50 to start getting ready for Friend Thursday with Catherine and Brandi which was tons of fun. Unfortunately, the morning plans were a little bumpy. You see, my brother in law was taking me out to Catherine's house on his way to work when his alternator decided to die so we had to change our plans and head to the autoshop instead. After acquiring a rental car and cleaning out his car, we were back on track and I managed to get to Catherine's around 9:40.

Once friend Thursday had begun it went pretty quickly. I did my makeup and then we went to the salon for Catherine to get her eyebrows done. We went home for a bit before grabbing Taco Son. We went inside the little place this time and it was super quaint and of course really yummy. I offered to bring Brandi some but unfortunately she didn't want Mexican food. We met up with her around 1 at the Brandon mall and we started to search for boots. This did not go very well but I did find a Frozen coloring book to use at work and I bought some Godiva biscuits. Today's title comes from adventures at Books A Million which is where I acquired the coloring book! We were looking at some behind the scenes books and found a Lord of the Rings one and we started saying "Hobbits!" over and over again and the team member on duty over heard us and joined in!

Eventually we went back to Catherine's where we had cookies, watched Amazing Spiderman 2, took Penny for a walk and found turtles, played a quick round of Just Dance 2014, and then Catherine made us dinner!

It was a good day and I'm glad that we got to hang out with Brandi before she goes back to Tally!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Good News Day

That's the happiest picture I have of someone who isn't me so there you go. But it was a good news kind of a day today in most aspects of life. My birth certificate has been ordered now I just have to either have my shift at worked covered or I have to reschedule my appointment again. Jefnsmknkdjnvs.

I also submitted my application at work so that is going to be relinquishing some news here soon! And I was informed of some other things today that will result in a much busier Kaitlin! Also Ilana is back in town! 

And now Greg and I are planning our wedding even though we aren't engaged and we're not dating. Okay then.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Finally JUST Dancing

This Suzy Tuesday Catherine and I got back to the roots of the day and spent most of it just hanging out. No gimmicks or shopping or cupcakes because let's face it they're expensive and fattening. She and Alex took me to the Drive Thru Panera Bread so I could grab food and then we went back to the apartment for noms, Just Dance, video games, bad kids movies, and UNO. AND Cloud Atlas because it will change your life.

We also made plans for Thursday to acquire Brandi and have a day out and about!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Dazed and Confused

Feel asleep at 9pm, woke up at 2 to get water. I will fill out everything tomorrow 

Now that I am able to update everything on here, Monday was a tiring day. I wasn't able to fall asleep until around 3:30 in the morning so waking up at 7 was not fun at all. Nevertheless, it was done. I made it to work which wasn't awful. One of the managers and I put up a window cling that made me wish I had my sisters patience for hanging things. After that it was Elsa dress frenzy time but it strangely didn't happen. Yes it picked up later in the day but most of the time when new Frozen merch pops up its like moths to a flame. 

Oh well.  After work I came home and went swimming in order to keep myself from napping. This however led to me falling asleep before Teen a wolf started and then put me behind in blogging, ugh.

Sunday, August 17, 2014



Saturday, August 16, 2014

"No Offense But"

There are days during this blog adventure where I know exactly what I am going to write about as soon  as it happens. Today was going to be one of those days and then I sat myself down and thought it over. How do I write about what happened with out seeming like a petty bitch?  How do I explain to the like 5 people who read this the emotions that I was feeling whil this happened while also not hurting anyone's feelings? I haven't figured it out yet to be honest so I won't write the post I was planning. I am still going to talk about it though. 

Today I was faced with a situation where I could either speak up or stay quiet and I chose to stay quiet much to miss Amanda's disagreeance. I overheard some things (about me) that left me seething at and disappointed in those who were saying them.  In addition to that, I was hurt by their opinions on the matter which leaves me further confused on what to do. Lex (below, from The Tribe) is probably the best physical representation of the feelings of that moment.

Everyone has probably experienced the moment of finding out someone they truste has betrayed them. It's what we do afterwards that makes these experiences unique. Afterwards I came up with various reactions and some of them made me question what kind of person I am. 

All I wanted to do was come home and either cry or beat something. I didn't do either but the urges to do both still haven't quite gone away. Instead I put on my new The Little Mermaid swim suit and took my nephew for a swim.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Lost and Found

While my Birth Certificate is still missing and is going to cost 50 dollars to replace, I FOUND MY GLASSES!! I also got my work schedule and I am working during my appointment so I need to either find someone to switch with me or I need to reschedule the appointment. 

Finding my glasses was an adventure in its self though. I own two pairs and the pair I was looking for was not the pair my nephew and I found. I told him I was going to clean my room and he said "I want to help" because he's 6 and doesn't understand why my room looks the way it does. However, this was on the contingency that he gets to keep all the change he finds in my room. I've been paying Amanda and Brett that way for years, might as well right? We found my second set of glasses around 35 minutes into the excavation process that is cleaning my room. I have so many bags and boxes and containers that I keep things in it was a LITTTLLEE tricky but we succeeded! Afterwards he proceeded to go spelunking under my bed for change and found a charger cord I've been looking for since June!

Two steps down and three steps still to go but it is progress!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

One Step Down

I finished the nasty four hour D.A.T.A. Course which means I am one step closer to getting my permit. I also discovered that I have lost my birth certificate and now must fountain a new one. The next step is to find my glasses.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Excuse me, what?

Something... interesting happened to me today where I was talking with someone and they suggested that I do action X because the other people in this country might frown upon me if I don't. I told this person "Well that sucks for everyone else because I don't care," to which they responded "I wonder when you stopped having pride in yourself."

Hold up, excuse me? Since when does having pride in myself have anything to do with anyone else? When you Google "What is pride" this is the first thing that comes up:

  1. 1.
    a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
    "the team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory"
    synonyms:pleasurejoydelightgratificationfulfillmentsatisfaction, a sense of achievement
    "take pride in a good job well done"

  2. 2.
    a group of lions forming a social unit.
  1. 1.
    be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
    "she'd always prided herself on her ability to deal with a crisis"
    synonyms:be proud of, be proud of oneself for, take pride in, take satisfaction in,congratulate oneself on, pat oneself on the back for
    "Lucas prides himself on his knowledge of wine"

Now, if you will join me in dissecting this definition you will see that there are two parts to this definition that pertain to other people. One of them is related to group or team efforts (regardless of if you're on the team or not) and the other is in relation to qualities. Is this the type of pride Person B (as we will call them) is referring to? In order for me to take pride "from qualities... that are widely admired" I would first need to care about how the people they are widely admired by admire them. Does that even make sense outside of my brain? I hope it does.

Anyway, the rest of this definition is about one's own achievements, qualities, abilities, or skills. I take pride in myself, for myself not for anyone else. I take pride in doing my makeup because I want to look nice for me OR because I am attending a formal event and it gives me an excuse to go insane with my makeup. I don't put my makeup on for anyone else. If I cared what anyone else thought of how I looked without my make up on I would NEVER LEAVE MY HOUSE without foundation on. I straighten my hair because I like it to be straight and because I don't want to resemble a bird. Have I left the house with it bird like? Yes. Have I left the house with it messy and curly and looking like a nest? Yes. Have I walked out of my house, been told that my hair makes me look like a lesbian and then proceeded to rock the same hair cut anyway? Yes. Why? Because I have enough pride, self-love, confidence, and belief in myself for someone else's opinion not bother me. You don't like that I laugh like a zebra? Don't listen to me laugh then because I think laughing like a zebra is pretty freaking nifty. You don't like that I hiccup really REALLY loudly? I'm sorry to have disturbed you but I can do nothing about the sound of air going through my vocal chords and I can't make them stop automatically so unfortunately you and I are just going to have to deal with what I call 'Kangaroos'. You don't like that I'm white and a female or the fact that I can laugh in public or wear shorts? That's your prerogative, I'm sorry that you feel that way and if you ever change your mind let me know.

It doesn't bother me that something that I am doing (that is for me and is not going to hurt anyone around me mentally or physically) elicits a negative response from someone else. Especially if its a stereotypical, close-minded view that hurts more people than it has helped in over a hundred years. So what? WHO CARES? Who are these people who makes these rules and how do I tell them to stop?

I'm sorry for the long rant of a post and while I don't care about what Person B has to say on the matter of action X, it made for a good blog topic. In writing about it, I found something I do care about and that is the lessons and ways of thinking that are being passed on to other generations.  If people are still teaching their children that all of their actions/decisions/thoughts/feelings are going to be judged by the rest of society then they need to also be teaching them that just because they will be judged it doesn't mean they aren't good actions/decisions/thoughts/feelings. Should we as a civilization be encouraging ourselves and our youths to accept all walks of life? To do things because they want to not because we say to or because they feel compelled to? To express ourselves in safe, healthy ways? Yes? Then how is it that someone can feel justified in asking me where I stopped having pride in myself all because I don't want to to action X? Because I disagree with their view of the way the world works? Who am I to tell my nephews (**STRICTLY AN EXAMPLE, I'M A STRAIGHT ALLY**) "you know what, you probably should stop hugging other boys or the rest of your class will think that you're gay" if I am also trying to teach him to love everyone? Who are you to tell me I can't do something if it literally has NO EFFECT on you, your life, your home, your car, your job, your kids, your husband, your wife, or your pet?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Out of Titles

For Suzy Tuesday. But it was fun none the less :) Today we started a little late because I had to babysit but that is okay! We finally did get going and we made our first stop of they day at Cupcake Cache where I proceeded to buy three cupcakes that I should not have bought. Then we made it to Buca Di Beppo where we all split this spicy rigatoni dish that had peas in it and was super yummy! After wards we each had a cupcake from our boxes. I tried the Johnny Appleseed which was really yummy but a tad cold in the middle. It really does taste like Apple Pie!

We then went to Home Depot with Alex before heading back to their apartment to start looking even further into birthday plans. Unfortunately, the one we were thinking of may not work because we can't find reservations for three. But! We may have found an alternative plan :) Afterwards we watched "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" which was a very insightful movie and I understand why it is one of Catherine's favorites.

Monday, August 11, 2014

An Impromptu Adventure

Even though I knew that I would be hanging out with Kayla today, we didn't exactly plan out our day so after I was collected we kind of twiddled our thumbs in search of things to do. 

We started our day with a trip to the bank and then we headed to Channelside/Ybor to find food items. After an okay lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings we got lost in a sketchy neighborhood and then somehow found our way to the Florida Aquarium. I've been there tons of times but one thing I've never actually done is watch the dive show or visit the penguins! Kayla and I can cross that off the list though as we did get to do that today! 

Afterwards we went to find dinner and I directed her to EATS! American Grill which is delicious if I must say. We had Mac'N'Cheese fritters the size of our fists, entrees, and then split a deep fried Oreo sundae to finish the day. So good!

I'm so glad I got to see her today as she is one of the girls I don't get to see too often! SUZY TUESDAY WITH CATHERINE TOMORROW!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Next Day

I slept until 1 in the afternoon when I finally peeled my self out of my bed and got the rest of my eyeliner off. 

The rest of the day consisted of Sims, laundry, and Teenage a mutant Ninja Turtle movies (not the new one) with my nephew.

And then my dog went swimming and was shivering when she came back in so I took my warm night shirts and wrapped her up :D

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Another Concert Post

Amanda, Alexis, and I have been waiting for this day since March and we were so glad that it finally got here!

Of course we were going mainly for AFI who started the show. But first we had to sit in this 2 hour and 10 minute line. Why? Well, even through we got there at 4:40 planning to walk in at 5:30, the band for 30 Seconds To Mars NEVER SHOWED UP for their meet and greet so that pushed back sound check which pushed back EVERYTHING else. 

We finally got to the VIP field section around 640 and AFI took the stage at somepoint. They were fantastic as always despite some technical issues with Davey's mic. Unfortunately for the fans of the band, the guys didn't get to do an elaborate set like we're used to but we will take the 8-9 songs that we were given. I know I have talked quite a bit about Hunter Hayes on here but AFI was my first real obsession. I came home one day from middle school and I turned on MTV. On my television was this guy: 

Singing about murder and holding a bunny in some video for some song called "Miss Murder."  I can't actually tell you how much I disliked this song and video the first time I heard it. Then I started coming home envy day and it was on. Eventually I caught myself singing along and then I looked it up and found other songs and that is how my obsession with AFI (Davey Havok in particular) began. That was also the start of my punk/alt stage. I learned EVERYTHING I could possible get my cursor on about this band and this man. They were my outlet. This is what I did to not worry about anything else and they could not be a better band to fall in love with. Yes Davey might look a little odd in that picture for a punk rock/alt/screams/emo frontman but he's also a staight edge, vegan, animal activist who doesn't have a bad side that I've been able to find. Nowadays Davey looks more like this:

Which fits him just as well as multitude of other looks has. He is a man of many haircuts.

Any way, their set was pretty sick. At one point Davey made it to our side of the stage and we were some of the only people in our section who were singing along to the now 15 year old song. Amanda and I both ended up pointing at Davey and you know what? He pointed back! I kind of freaked out for the rest of the song. 

However, that was nothing compared to what happened as the guys headed off stage. We were standing to the side where all of the bands were going to enter and exit so I knew to look for them. Strangely, we we the only ones (who seemed to be) paying attention to this side and I managed to catch all four of the band members getting in to a golf cart. I turned to my girls and said, "Golf Cart golf cart golf cart! Guys!" And then I started waving at the golf cart. I don't know exactly what I was expecting but it all seemed to happen in slow motion. Adam Carson (the drummer) and Hunter Burgan (the bassist) noticed me (and Amanda and Alexis as I later learned) waving at them and waved back! My response was shrieking and jumping up and down which led to Jade Puget (guitar) looking at us and slowly waving. This resulted in even more screaming which caused Davey to pop his head around Jade to look at us as well. BEST MOMENT EVER!

Amanda decided she was done at that point and that nothing could get better so she sat down in that spot and didn't move from it until we left. However, we still had two more bands to get through. 
30STM  took the stage just as it was starting to get dark and their fans were intense. It felt like a religious experience. Jared Leto came out looking like a new age Jesus Christ and they all seemed to treat him like he was. Their set was very high energy but I'm going to credit that to what ever it was that Jared was on because he was insane. It was like watching Jim Morrison reincarnated. At one point he jumped over the gate (and literally on to Amanda) just to run through the crowd and then part them as though they were the Red Sea. He was a really good vocalist though and put on a good show despite the fact that I only knew 7 songs and he autisti-fied my favorite. Shortly after he asked for a show of hands if this was their first time seeing Thirty Seconds to Mars live and we made some noise. He then followed that with the sentence: "That is a lot of virginity to take. I'm tired already" /Facepalm

Linkin Park took the stage around 10:00 and even though I didn't know half of the songs that they played, Chester is a ferocious performer. I mean he's an animal on stage. I was not expecting his vocals to be as raw and as identical to the studio versions as they were. Holy hell. Shinoda was pretty sick as well and the pforman as whole was just so loud and bright and exciting and whoa. Alexis and I were moshed on and I almost decked one of them in the face but that didn't happen. 

Overall it was a kickass show to have been a part of. We were all pretty statisfied with how things went. Worth all the standing.

And here is an artistic picture of our feet.

Oh my goosshhhhhhh

Friday, August 8, 2014

Changed Some Things

While the last two days were eerily similar, today has been a day all its own. It started with my sister waking me up in the middle of dream which means I can't remember what the dream even was. Then I was greeted with Starbucks so that I was awake enough to watch my nephew while my sister went to go get a hair cut. All was well until I noticed that my nephew (being the toddler that he is) had a poopy diaper.

Now, this poopy diaper wasn't your standard poopy diaper. Oh no. This diaper was the diaper from hell and had decided that, since the little one had not received a bath the night before, he was going to receive a bath today. There was baby all of this kid's back and tummy from where it had seeped out of the diaper. Way to go Pampers.

After I got him all cleaned up, my sister came home and decided to clean him again before he went to speech therapy and to pick up his big brother. I should have been working on my D.A.T.A. course but I elected to do laundry and shower before heading to work. Today was supposed to be my second day off for the week but I had a co-worker who was lovely enough to switch her shift tonight with mine from Tuesday so I worked 4-10 instead. It was an easy shift, I just wish more magic could have been made.

Once I got home all I wanted to do was detach my legs from my body and then crawl into my bed. however, that is not how tonight went. Instead, I called my cousin and received some information about possibly going to brunch with my grandmother. Afterwards Catherine and I briefly talked about birthday plans before I fell off the face of the planet while looking into permit/license stuff. My research led me to the conclusion that I needed to push back my appointment to take my test until I can find my birth certificate and my glasses. This reminds me that I need to have 100 dollars in 20's available for August the 26th which is when my appointment is now scheduled for. That give me two more weeks to finish my D.A.T.A. course, learn all the rules (I signed up for a class that should help with that today as well), find my birth certificate, find my glasses, and have my sister find two proof of residence papers and write a statement explaining as to why I live with her.

At least it is progress right?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Day Repeated

I am used to having similar days, especially now that I am writing them down, but the similarities between today and yesterday are quite striking. My sleep schedule was the same, what time I woke up this morning was exactly the same, and what I did for the rest of my day was eerily similar as well. 

I called a cab (again) and the cab driver was nice, attentive, and interesting (again). I talk with a ton of people on a weekly basis and I hear a ton of different stories. These two cab drivers, while they did have different stories, spoke with me about the same things. They made the same impression. 

The day continued on with me getting to work early so that I could find food items and then going in to work which is pretty much always a similar experience. Afterword I sat at the same table and played the same game that I did yesterday. Once I was home, my nephew made me watch "Frozen" again and again I ended up putting him to bed. 

I feel like there is a glitch in the Matrix.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Disney Afternoon

After falling asleep three hours earlier than I expected yesterday, only sleeping in until 10 wasn't too bad. I had to be up so that I could shower and fix my hair before heading to work. It was an average Wednesday. Typical questions, atypical languages being spoken.  I was able to go home early where I was fretted with two Disney DVD's from Netflix as I have decided to do the free trial of their DVD subscription. They sent me "Frozen" and "Enchanted" so I have literally spent the rest of my day watching Disney movies. Woo.

Suzy Tuesday's Recap

This one was late. I didn't intend for it to be but Tuesday was just such a long day that I came home did maybe three of the twelve things I planned to do and then passed out. I started my day by heading to Catherine's around 7 o' clock which is earlier than I have been awake in weeks. I got there and she and I took Penny out for a quick walk and then she made whole grain banana pancakes with eggs! Everything was super delicious and I have no idea how she does it. 

We started our day at Busch Gardens around 1030 and we were going to start with Cheetah Hunt but it was closed. Instead we moved to Montu and, while I think she enjoyed going, poor Catherine had to scream the whole time in order to breathe. We also were greeted by rain as we pulled out of the station on Montu so that was unexpected. The rain also meant ride shut downs for the entire park so we went to look at all the animals instead! Around 2 hours later we were able to get on Rhino Rally, Cheetah Hunt, and then Congo River Rapids before the rain set in again and we decided to go home.

Catherine made ride and beans for Alex, Austin, herself and I and they were awesome as well! Then we watched "Saving Mr. Banks" which has given me some inspiration for the next coming weeks.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday's Accomplished Things

For my free Monday I had a lot of things planned. I was going to wake up early and clean my room, catch some sun, work on emailing my recommendation letter writers, work on my goal statements, and work on my application for work. The last three were all the things that were accomplished today but I am okay with that. I didn't alarms so I understand why I didn't wake up until two in the afternoon which eliminated the sun catching option and made me make a choice between cleaning or my future. I chose future and I was able to make serious progress on my goal statements. Now I just have to wait on my recommenders to reply!

The later half of the day was spent building a LEGO creation with my nephew, cleaning the pool, and then having my heart broken then mended back together by "Teen Wolf."

Busch Gardens tomorrow with Catherine! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

National Friendship Day

Was apparently today and that is pretty nifty because I got to see Kayla today ( italian and ice cream are apparently our thing) and I got to have a nearly 2 hour, impromptu conversation with my Biggles because she loves me and she's perfect.

Take adventures were really the highlight of my day considering I slept for 14 hours after falling asleep last night and then I went to work today and it was super busy. I am not sure why but my head has been pounding all day and no about of food or rest has helped. I guess it is on to medication. Woo.

I luckily I have tomorrow and Tuesday off so I will be doing some productive things tomorrow and then  hopefully I will be Busch Gardens-ing it up with Catherine and Co for Suzy Tuesday!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

No More Nightengale

Aside from the fact that Amanda and I are a pack of crazies and went to Tallahassee for a grand total of 9 hours, I experienced some seriously odd things today. For one, she introduced me to this interesting (read: bizarre, odd, weird) podcast called "Welcome to Night Vale" which she was introduced to by her friend Joyska. They are thoroughly entertained by this venture but it and all its glorious weirdness was too much for my brain to handle on the car ride back home so it put me to sleep. Consistently. 

My sleeping abilities are pretty impressive, I can sleep anywhere. But listening to that podcast is like being sedated for me. And it's not that it wasn't interesting, I'm just so overly tired that I couldn't focus on what was going on and the narrator's voice as Ceceil was like listening to a bedtime story.

We eventually made it home, the two of us exhausted. I went to the last ten minutes of my nephews birthday party and then we came home where I babysat and played Sims in order to keep myself awake until right now. Goodnight.  

Road Trip Princesses

Not really but close enough. 

The first day of August saw Amanda and I returning to our road tripping ways and heading to Tallahassee so that I could help my old roommates clean. Now, I purposely made this post late because I didn't want it distracting me while I cleaned the Tallahassee apartment so it wasn't just a "oh no I put it off" type of thing. 

I spent the majority of the daytime hours at work and then Amanda and I finally got on the road at 730. This was two and a half hours behind schedule which meant that we got to Tallahassee around midnight and then to the apartment around one in the morning. 

I the proceeded to clean the kitchen, my shard bathroom, scrub multiple stains out of the carpet , nod I tried to get all of the stuff off of the windows. Unfortunately, I was not able to gt everything off the windows nor was I able to sleep.